Fireplaces sell homes. Plain and Simple.
Or dramatically help buyers decide on one home over another. Just look at almost any real estate photo shoot- the advertisement that wants the home to feel cozy and safe will feature the fireplace. Or any company that wants to tell the consumer that their products are safe and enduring will use a picture of a fireplace. Or at least feature it in the background. And yet, many real estate agents are still nervous about talking about the very fireplaces that help them increase the home’s sale price. This may be due to the high number of Millenials entering the real estate profession and may be exposing a need for more education. Midtown Chimney Sweeps has put together a list of reasons why real estate agents need to know about fireplaces. Midtown offers free one hour courses to real estate broker’s office in California, Colorado, and Iowa. Please feel free to use the form at the bottom or send an email directly to to schedule your free one hour course!
Did you know that Fireplaces sell Homes?*
- Fireplaces have a strong, positive effect on the value of a home: 46 percent of home buyers are willing to pay more for the feature, adding about $1,220 to a home’s worth per fireplace (National Association of Realtors).
- Fifty-eight percent of hearth owners consider their fireplace, wood or pellet stove or insert to be a major design feature in their home.
- The consumer estimate for the average increase in home value from adding a hearth appliance is approximately $2,750.
Consider these recent statistics about how Americans value the fireplace today:
Heating Your Home*
- Thirty-four percent of wood or pellet stove owners view their stove as a major heat source; 50 percent consider it to be a secondary source of heat.
- The primary motivation of 42 percent of consumers that installed a hearth product in their home was to save on heating costs, while 19 percent wanted to make a cold room warmer or to use as a back up source of heat.
- Using supplemental hearth appliances to heat the rooms used most allows a house’s thermostat to be turned down, lowering heating costs . This “zone heating” can provide energy savings of 20-40 percent (American Council for Energy Efficient Economy).
- Forty-four percent of gas fireplace owners use their appliance as a supplemental heat source.
To have your fireplace serviced and inspected today, call the company you can trust, Midtown Chimney Sweeps toll free at
Or fill out the form below!
*Thank you to the Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Association State of the Industry Report 2011.