Expert Chimney Repair with Midtown Chimney Services

Maintaining a well-functioning chimney is crucial for the safety and efficiency of your home’s fireplace. At Midtown Chimney, we specialize in providing expert chimney repair services tailored to your needs.

Keeping your chimney in good condition prevents a range of issues, including chimney fires, water damage, structural deterioration, and poor ventilation. 

Chimney Repair Services:

At Midtown Chimney, we offer comprehensive chimney repair services to address a variety of issues and keep your chimney in top condition. These exterior repairs don’t often need an internal inspection. 

Chimney Rebuild:

Chimney rebuilds are necessary when the structure of your chimney is beginning to deteriorate. Our tehcnicians will access the issue and rebuild your chimney to make sure it operates safely and efficiently.

Chimney Cap Repair:

Chimney cap repair is essential for maintaining proper ventilation and protecting against water damage and animal intrusion. At Midtown Chimney, we can address any cracks or deterioration and replace the chimney cap if needed.

Chimney Crown Repair

We’ll repair or replace your chimney crown to prevent water damage and extend the lifespan of your chimney structure.

 Chimney Flashing Repair:

Our experts will repair or replace damaged chimney flashing to prevent leaks and water damage to your home’s interior.

Repair Chimney Leaks:

Chimney leaks turn into bigger issues and our technicians can identify and seal any points of entry to prevent water damage. Ask us about our total water protection!

Chimney Repointing:

Also known as tuckpointing, our team can replace deteriorated mortar joints to restore the look and integrity of your chimney. Replacing the mortar joints will help keep water out as well. 

Damper Repair:

The damper controls airflow into the chimney. We can make sure your chimney is maintaining proper airflow and efficiency by repairing or replacing the damper.

Contact us today to schedule a quote and keep your chimney and fireplace in top condition for years to come!

Common Chimney Problems

1. Cracked or Damaged Masonry

The bricks and mortar of a chimney can crack or crumble over time due to weather exposure, temperature changes, and moisture. This deterioration can compromise the structural integrity of the chimney, leading to potential safety hazards and reduced efficiency.

2. Chimney Leaks

Water penetration is a common issue with chimneys, causing damage to both the exterior masonry and the interior components. Leaks can result from damaged flashing, cracked crowns, or missing chimney caps. Water damage can lead to mold growth, rot, and deterioration of the chimney structure, ultimately leading to much more expensive damage repairs.

3. Missing or Damaged Chimney Cap

The chimney cap protects your chimney by keeping it dry from the elements, along with keeping out any unwanted critters. Replacing or installing a chimney cap should be a priority if yours is damamged or missing!

Midtown Chimney Sweeps can help. Call to make an appointment at toll free 1-844-793-3766, today!



Our chimney sweeps are qualified and insured.


Our local chimney technicians know what works best for your specific area.


Our sweeps treat your home like it’s their own.

Happy Customers

Midtown Chimney Sweeps is rated 4.9/5.0


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.