How Saying No Can Raise Your Income!

It all starts when you are a kid. You learn the importance of pleasing people, such as, parents, relatives, friends, etc. Then you go to school and please your teachers, coaches, and other students. Next is work, and you please your boss, your co-workers and take on as many tasks as possible. If you do well you climb the ladder to more success and more pay.

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Chimney Slang!

This was written by an old friend but it was worth sharing. It is a really fun look at our past. The history of the chimney sweep is dense and here is a quick look at Pattercant.

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Opportunity Strikes

The hearth industry is potentially the next fastest growing Franchising opportunity in the United States. Join the Midtown Team to bring professionalism and a system to your existing business, or form a more valuable company before exiting (for those who are approaching retirement age) or to start a business from scratch. We are partnering with successful predecessors in similar industries to bring the finest quality CRM and scheduling systems to our franchisees. The key to the success of any Franchise is creating speed through systems for expensive labor services, and a deep understanding of the customer. The hearth industry is ready for Midtown Sweeps. Are you?

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