Enjoy the Fire. Burn Wood.

Enjoy the Fire. Burn wood. So when you light up your next outside fire pit for the family to enjoy, remember to pass it along. Pass along the survival skills, Pass along the fire starting skills. Spend time with your son and daughter. Make time for what really matters. Show them you care about them, and build a stronger nation all by simply enjoying the fire.

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Lancaster, CA Midtown Chimney Sweeps Franchise Lands $12k Chimney Sweep

Lancaster, CA Midtown Chimney Sweeps Franchising is proud to announce the recent success of our Lancaster, California franchisee, Tikar Carroll. The Lancaster, California team was able to land the largest commercial chimney sweeping contract to date within the franchise infrastructure. This $12k chimney sweep job is being completed over a series of weekends this fall as the weather cools down.

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