Millennials: Fueling America’s Workforce One Service at a Time!

I don’t know if you have heard but the next generation has an official term! Millennial! As a demographic, millennials have a lot going for them. They spend about $50 per capita more on alcoholic beverages, $400 more on personal services and nearly $100 more on furniture. They are more likely to have young kids, especially in Salt Lake City so they spend twice the national average on clothing or home services.

I don’t know if you have heard but the next generation has an official term! Millennial! As a demographic, millennials have a lot going for them. They’re young, connected, multicultural and there are an awful lot of them. Any number of brands count them among the most coveted segments to market to! A typical late millennial spends about 5% fewer dollars than a typical American, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics. But certain product categories they spend more, in some cases much more. They spend about $50 per capita more on alcoholic beverages, $400 more on personal services and nearly $100 more on furniture. They are more likely to have young kids, especially in Salt Lake City so they spend twice the national average on clothing and home services.
All of this adds up to a lot of skewed market potential for certain brands. Chimney Sweeps especially can benefit from them because they are much more likely to hire out for a service instead of trying to do it themselves.

Now,  where are they?
Thanks to Adage we have some numbers to show you! First off, let’s define our terms. For the purpose of this piece we’ll be looking at millennials as aged 18-34, and specifically at the older end of the spectrum, the 25- to 34-year-olds. For our geography we’ll look at cities and their suburbs, or Metropolitan Statistical Areas. Looking at sheer population, you rarely find anything unusual at the top end of a ranking. New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas and Houston have the most millennials, which makes sense as they are the five of the six largest metro areas in the U.S.

Where the Millennials are:
Metro area Number of Millennials Millennials Index Late Millennials Index
New York 4,386,508 98 105
Los Angeles 3,262,509 108 115
Chicago 2,294,797 102 107
Dallas 1,620,281 107 118
Houston 1,440,634 105 113
Highest Index, Millennials:
Metro area Number of Millennials Millennials Index Late Millennials Index
Jacksonville, NC 77,895 192 121
Ames, IA 38,779 190 88
Lawrence, KS 49,588 182 99
Mount Pleasant, MI 27,858 177 63
State College, PA 59,981 175 77
Highest Index, Late Millennials:
Metro area Number of Millennials Millennials Index Late Millennials Index
Austin 499,713 125 140
Salt Lake City 313,907 119 137
Jonesboro, AR 33,551 119 132
Hanford-Corcoran, CA 43,803 126 127
Fairbanks, AK 32,605 141 125


So let’s look instead at concentrations. In the U.S. millennials make up about 23% of the population, with just more than 14% of that the older Gen Y folks who are out of college and starting to spend their own money — assuming they have moved out of their parents’ house, which a recent National Association of Realtors study found 13.4% of them have not. That’s a 30-year high, by the way.

The older millennials are even more interesting because those clusters do happen in cities with more balanced populations such as Austin, Salt Lake City, and Jonesboro, Ark. — just over the state line from Memphis. We learn that once they graduate, they’re not sticking around.

It is a great time for advertising, and a new world for finding your customers. Over all, social media has offered a great way to hit specific demographics. The Millennials are online and up to date on technology, so it is time to perk up the website and get yourself showing up on Google!

If you are a chimney sweep looking to revamp your marketing potential you might want to consider becoming a part of the Midtown Chimney Sweeps Franchise! Midtown offers an amazing suite of tools and programs designed to help you grow your business and push it to the top of the market.

This includes:

  • A National Scheduling Center (that works for you while you are on service calls)
  • Turnkey Marketing Programs
  • Net Promoter Score (sent to your customers every night automatically)
  • Advanced Sweeping and Customer Service Training
  • Large Protected Territories (Including a “Limited Time Offer” of Two for One)

So are you ready to learn more about the Midtown Advantage?

Are you ready to take the first step toward becoming a successful business owner?

Than look no further! Act NOW! By Clicking Here!

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