What you didn’t know about your Gas fireplace!

Many homes in America use gas fireplaces instead of wood burning stoves and many don’t realize that you should still sweep and/or inspect your stove yearly. Here is why? Whether you primarily use a gas heated appliance, a furnace or even a hot water heater most of the appliances used today still use the chimney to vent the exhaust.

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~Picture thanks to Hearth and Homes Magazine~

The Spark Asks: Is your Gas Fireplace at Risk?

Many homes in America use gas fireplaces instead of wood burning stoves and many don’t realize that you should still sweep and/or inspect your stove yearly. Here is why?

Whether you primarily use a gas heated appliance, a furnace or even a hot water heater most of the appliances used today still use the chimney to vent the exhaust.

Appliances fueled by natural gas or propane might not produce a visible soot buildup but they are still depositing a corrosive substance into your chimney. These acids can cause internal and external symptoms that can be dangerous to your home and family.

Even higher efficiency appliances can cause damage. Mostly by taking the heat that is supposed to go up the chimney and pushing it into the home instead. No one wants to waste heat especially up a chimney but a bit of heat is required to provide the draft that helps pull up the escaping gas up the chimney. Condensation of flue gasses happen when the flue temperature becomes too low – which is the case with modern appliances.

Even an average furnace can release up to 1 1/2 gallons of water up your chimney every hour. This can cause debris blockages caused by the failing of the interior of the chimney including:liner, mortar and brick crumbling. Any chimney damage can cause carbon-monoxide and other combustable byproducts to enter your home.

If you have a rental, or use gas in your home you are much better to spend on corrective quick measures than to have an expensive chimney repair down the road. Or worse!

Call today and let one of our certified sweeps service your gas heating fireplace!


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