Midtown Chimney Sweeps

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Opportunity Strikes

The hearth industry is potentially the next fastest growing Franchising opportunity in the United States. Join the Midtown Team to bring professionalism and a system to your existing business, or form a more valuable company before exiting (for those who are approaching retirement age) or to start a business from scratch. We are partnering with successful predecessors in similar industries to bring the finest quality CRM and scheduling systems to our franchisees. The key to the success of any Franchise is creating speed through systems for expensive labor services, and a deep understanding of the customer. The hearth industry is ready for Midtown Sweeps. Are you?

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Peter Drucker wasn't god, but he was an amazing man. He had a way of turning parables of management into specific terms a small business or corporation could follow easily in their everyday dealings. I recently began reviewing his works and I thought a bi-weekly blog post would be a fun way to open discussion based on his insights and maybe share his innovation with someone unfamiliar with his visions for chimney sweeping opportunity!

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Chimney fire consumes Thomas Jefferson’s Treasure!

Celebrating the fourth of July I had a desire to do a little research into our forefathers. Funny enough I found this story, and from a chimney sweeps perspective I could help but find myself drawn to it. Tragically, it was all thanks to a chimney fire. This specific story happens to be the worst imaginable informational loss that has ever been connected to a chimney fire. I can't help but to wish Midtown Chimney Sweeps had only been there to inspect this fireplace!

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The Chimney Sweeping Trade’s Dynamic Past and Bright Future!

Here at Midtown Chimney Sweeps we are really in love with the Chimney Sweeping trade. No other current working trade can boast such a colorful and entertaining past. We all have seen the Disney rendition of the Chimney Sweep but what was their everyday like? We are slowly doing the research and we want you to come here to all of the new information we are compiling in the next year. Our website has a specific page that will be posting fun facts and trivia for your learning pleasure.

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Media, is the word of the Day! Let’s keep it Social!

Social Media is everywhere now a days and Midtown Chimney Sweeps loves the idea of being a part of your everyday life. We will strive to keep you entertained while bringing you up to date information on the ever growing hearth industry. Let us contact you when we have a specials or coupons, we know you are busy and we want you to be able to spend your time doing things you love. We are the the first choice for busy customers. We make our scheduling easy and fast so you don't have to can get back to what fuels you!

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